The need for water purification and recycling

Cards (10)

  • Water is a scarce resource and less than 1% of the water on earth is available for sustaining life.
  • As the human population increase so does the demand for water
  • There is an urgent need for water purification and recycling to conserve this scarce resource.
  • Many available freshwater sources are contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms and are not suitable for domestic purposes (especially drinking and cooking)
  • Many people in remote, rural areas do not have access to safe, clean drinking water and have to purify their own water
  • In some areas there are water shortages
  • Larger communities, such as towns and cities, have water purification plants to purify drinking water that is piped to homes
  • Possible actions to recycle water:
    • Individuals can make a difference by reusing grey water for watering vegetable gardens or flower beds
  • Grey water is untreated waste water from baths, basins, showers and washing machines.
  • Waste water from toilers and kitchen sinks is known as black water and must be purified before recycling