Cards (9)

  • Roger W Sperry in 1960's where his
    research focused on the Left and the Right Brain Theory. According to his study, the brain is divided into
    two hemispheres, the left and the right brain. The left brain is the logical part of the mind, where
    computations, linear thinking and evaluation are attributed. While, the right brain serves as the creative
    source where abstract thinking, free flowing emotions and intuition flow.
  • The left brain is also referred
    to as the digital brain. It controls reading and writing, calculation, and logical thinking.
  • The right brain is
    referred to as the analog brain. It controls three-dimensional sense, creativity, and artistic senses.
  • Left brain thinking is verbal and analytical. Right brain is non- verbal and intuitive, using pictures rather than
  • right brain or non-verbal thinking is often regarded as more 'creative',
    (Logical, Judging. Evaluating)
    Deals with:
    Language, Logic,Linearity (step by step process)
    Numbers, and sequence, Analysis
    (Creative, Idea-generating)
    Deals with:
    Images, Imagination, Colors, geometry
    Pattern, face and map recognition
    Rhythm, music, Dimension, Parallelprocessing
  • Mind mapping promotes critical thinking by pushing the individual to use right brain talents.
  • MIND MAPPING facilitates the "productive phase" of critical thinking - the phase when it needs to gather relevant information, identify relationships, and produce new ideas. Once the "productive phase" is completed, it can then get in touch with the left brain talents and move to the "judgment phase" --- the evaluation of what the mind has produced, make judgments about its accuracy and usefulness, and make refinements.