
Cards (40)

  • Abiotic
    Non living factors eg temperature
  • Biotic
    Living factors eg food
  • Edaphic
    Soil factors eg water content
  • Climatic
    Effect of weather over long periods of time eg light intensity
  • Ecology
    The study of the interaction between groups of organisms and their environment
  • Population
    Group of organisms of the same species living in part of an ecosystem
  • Community
    Group of organisms of different species
  • Ecosystem
    Community of organisms interacting with their environment
  • Biosphere
    Part of the earth and its atmosphere where organisms can live
  • Habitat
    Place where an organism lives
  • Competition
    Plants and animals fight for resources eg food
  • Predators
    Organism which kills and eats another organism called prey
  • Parasites
    Organism that lives in or on another living organism called a host for nourishment causing it harm
  • Producer
    Green plants which make their own food through photosynthesis
  • Consumers
    Organisms that eat other organisms
  • Food chain
    Feeding relationship between organisms in which energy is transferred from the sun to plants and then to animals
  • Grazing food chain
    Starts with a living green plant
  • Detritus food chain
    Starts with a dead organisms
  • Decomposers
    Organism that breaks down the dead remains of plants and animals to recycle nutrients to soil
  • Food web
    A series of interconnected food chains
  • Pyramid of numbers
    A diagram which shows the number of each organism at each trophic level
  • Food niche
    Functional role of an organism in a habitat
  • Intra specific competition
    Takes place between members of the same species
  • Inter specific competition
    Takes place between members of different species
  • Contest competition
    Physical competition between 2 organisms
  • Scramble competition
    Each organism tries to get as much of the resource as possible
  • Prey
    Organism killed and eaten by a predator
  • Predation
    Catching, killing and eating of another organism
  • Symbiosis
    Relationship between 2 organisms of different species in which at least one of them benefits
  • Symbiosis - mutualism
    Both organisms benefit
  • Symbiosis - commensalism
    One organism benefits but does not cause harm to the host
  • Symbiosis - parasitism
    One organism benefits but causes harm to the host
  • Nutrient recycling
    The conversion of mineral elements such as carbon and nitrogen back and forth between abiotic and biotic forms for use in the ecosystem
  • Nitrogen fixation (anaerobic)
    Nitrogen gas is fixed by nitrogen fixing bacteria to form ammonia, ammonium or nitrate
  • Nitrification
    Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate
  • Pollution
    Any addition of harmful substances to the environment
  • Pollutant
    Substance which contaminates the environment
  • Conservation
    Wise management of the environment to maintain biodiversity and prevent extinction
  • Biodiversity
    The range of living things in the ecosystem
  • Waste management
    Methods of preventing waste and reducing harmful effects of waste on environment