lesson 7: history of earth

Cards (25)

  • earth
    the ground
  • geological timescale
    is the CALENDAR for events, eons - eras, periods, epochs and ages
  • precambrian eon
    -longest and least understood
    -oxygenation event
  • phanerozoic eon
    -current geological era
    -macroscopic life forms
  • paleozoic era
    age of ancient life
  • cambrian period
    cambrian explosion
  • ordovician period
    -marine life, development of first land plants
    -mass extinction (75.7% of marines)
  • silurian period
    -land plants more widespread
    -first fish with jaws
  • devonian period
    -age of fishes
    -massive extinction
  • carboniferous period

    -formation of vast coal deposits
    -extensive swampy forests
  • permian period
    -largest extinction event
    -continents fused to form supercontinent pangaea
  • mesozoic era
    -age of reptiles
    -dinosaurs rose to dominance
    -pangaea began to break apart
  • triassic period
    -first dinosaurs and mammals appeared
    -warm and dry weather
    -triassic-jurassic extinction event
  • jurassic period
    -continued diversification of dinosaurs
    -weather becomes more humid
    -breakup of pangaea, more continents
  • cretaceous period
    -appearances of well-known species
    -flowering plants began to dominate (anglosperms)
    -massive asteroid impact
  • cenozoic era
    -age of mammals
    -evolutionary and environmental transformation
  • paleogene epoch
    -climate was warm and tropical
    -rapid diversification of mammals
  • eocene epoch
    mammals evolve into various forms
  • oliogene epoch
    saw the emergence of grasslands and first modern families of mammals
  • neogene period
    further environmental changes, shift toward cooler and drier climate
  • miocene period

    -expansion of grassland
    -proliferation of apes
  • pliocene epoch
    -significant implication for vegetarian and animal life
    -appearance of hominids
  • quaternary period
    -2.6M years to the present
    -emergence and evolution
    -extinction of many large vertebrates
  • pleistocene epoch
  • holocene epoch
    -characterized by warmer temperature
    -current period