Deforestation as Habitat Destruction

Cards (11)

  • Deforestation is the permanent destruction of natural, indigenous trees and bushes by felling, poisoning or burning them in order to clear an area for other purposes
  • Urban development
  • establishing fields for food production
  • wood for fuel
  • timber for construction
  • mineral mining
  • traditional remedies
  • Large scale habitat destruction occurs, which threatens biodiversity or destroys a large variety of plant and animal species
  • Deforestation also removes a source of water vapour from the area. Drier climates with more extreme temperatures destroys species in surrounding areas
  • Removal of forest species may impact on other species in adjacent ecosystems, giving an advantage to some pests or causing further extinctions
  • Possible actions to limit the effect of deforestation on habitat destruction:
    • Support recycling of wood products
    • Conserve and protect areas of high biodiversity
    • Create awareness of the importance of deforestation
    • Encourage afforesation
    • Develop more sustainable logging practices
    • Educate local communities on the possible sources of food/income in the forest