
Cards (10)

  • Poaching refers to the illegal hunting of animals and the illegal removal of plants
  • In South Africa, poaching is on the increase due to the large sums of money generated by the illegal trade in plants and animals, as well as their products
  • rhinos for their horns
  • wild animals for their meet
  • shellfish (abalone)
  • elephants for their ivory tusks
  • tortoises (shells)
  • cycads- living fossil seed plants
  • Poaching has a negative impact of biodiversity because it often targets endangered species, that are already scare, for economic gain
  • Possible actions to reduce poaching:
    The government can make a concerted effort to fight poaching:
    • Directing more funding to conservation
    • involving many governmental departments
    • work with non-governmental conservation organisations
    • introduce radar and better training
    • raise public awareness and conservation education
    • increase community involvement
    • accelerating prosecutions
    • tightening border controls of exports
    • moving endangered species to safer locations