contrast to other sciences, it is a relatively new scientific discipline
roots in the 17th and 19th century and was known as experimental-philosophy
early influence -Ren—Descartes- had a concept of Cartesian-dualisms, meaning the mind and body are separate entities, the brain is not the same as the mind
John-locke and his concept of empiricism- all knowledge is derived from sensory experience and can be studied using scientific methods
charles dawin- set the stage for the emergence of psychology as we know it today
Wudnts cognitive psychology
was called introspection
used to investigated the mind
participants were asked to refl3ct on their own cognitive processes and describe them
scientific method- paved the way to study mental processes
example= ask someone to identify thoughts and feelings after an argument
issues with method
not very reliable
cant measure their response
cannot objectively measure (unobserable)
describe wundts role in the development of psychology
known as the father of psychology
moved from philosophical roots to controlled research
set up the first psychology labatory in leipzig germany
promoted introspection as a way of studying mental processes
experience was analysed in terms of component parts
paved the way for cognitive psychology
introspection definition:
systematic analysis of own conscious experience of a stimulus