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    • what did wilhelm wundt do ?
      • in 1879 he founded the first lab for experimental psychological research in leipzig Germany
    • what is introspection ?

      The act of looking inwards to examine one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings
    • why is wundts work significant ?
      Marked the beginning of scientific psychology, separating it from its broader philosophical roots
    • what occurred in psychology in the early 1950s ?

      Rogers and Maslow develop the humanistic approach - the ‘third force’ in psychology which rejects the psychodynamic and behaviourist idea that behaviour is determined by outside factors, emphasising the importance of self-determination and free will
    • what happened in the 1960s ?

      Bandura proposed the social learning theory which draws attention to the role of cognitive factors in learning, providing a bridge between the newly established cognitive approach and traditional behaviourism
    • what happened in the 1980s ?

      The biological approach becomes the dominant scientific perspective due to advances in technology that have increased understanding of the brain and biological processes
    • What was his systematic attempt to study the mind under controlled conditions called?
    • what was wundts aim ?
      to try and analyse the nature of human consciousness
    • what was wundts method of investigating mental processes ?
      Him and his co-workers recorded their experiences of various stimuli they were presented with such as different objects or sounds are divided their observations into thoughts, images and sensations
    • how were wundts procedures standardised?
      The stimuli were always in the same order and the same instructions issues to all participants
    • what is isolating the structure of consciousness called ?