
Cards (15)

  • What is the capacity of short-term memory according to Miller's theory?

    7±2 items
  • What does the digit span test measure?

    It measures the capacity of short-term memory
  • What was the main task participants had to perform in the digit span test?

    Recall a sequence of digits in the same order, increasing string length each time
  • What did Miller and other psychologists conclude about short-term memory capacity?
    Only a few items can be held in short-term memory at any one time
  • What did Cowan's findings suggest about the theory of short-term memory capacity?

    found we could only remember 4 items, suggesting that the theory may not be valid for all information processing
  • How does the theory of short-term memory capacity apply to real-world situations?

    It explains why it's hard to remember many items, like credit card numbers
  • What is the capacity of long-term memory thought to be?

  • What is a major difficulty in testing long-term memory (LTM)?

    The duration of memory retention is hard to measure
  • What are the capacities of different types of memory?
    • Sensory memory: Vast
    • Short-term memory: Limited (7±2 items)
    • Long-term memory: Unlimited
  • Can you devise an experiment to test the capacity of long-term memory?

    No, it is difficult to measure
  • What is a key factor to consider when testing long-term memory?

    Whether the information was learned in the first place
  • jacobs 1887
    • capacity in short term memory story
    • digit span test
    • when participants fail on 50% of trials, they have reached their digit span capacity
    • used free recall technique
  • jacobs 1887- findings
    • on average, recalled 7 and 9 letters
    • average recall increased with age
    • digits mean span- 9.3
    • letters mean span- 7.3
    • stm has a limited storage capacity of between 5-9 items memory techniques may.
    • learned memory techniques may increase capacity as people get older.
  • jacobs 1887- criticisms
    • 26 letters but only 0-9 digits, meaning letters are harder to recall as there are more.
    • conducted in 1887, meaning may not of had control in experiment- lack of control of extraneous variables
  • define chunking
    grouping information may help to improve memory capacity