Cards (17)

  • What is ATP?
    ATP is adenosine triphosphate
  • Energy is the ability to do work
  • In what form is energy stored in cells?
    Energy is stored in the form of ATP
  • What are the components that make up ATP?
    • 3 phosphates
    • 1 ribose molecule
    • 1 adenine molecule
  • What happens when ATP breaks apart?
    It releases energy and loses a phosphate group
  • What molecule is formed when ATP breaks apart?
    ADP (adenosine diphosphate)
  • How is ADP recharged to create ATP again?
    ADP is recharged by adding a phosphate group
  • What is the significance of the bond that is broken in ATP?
    Breaking the bond produces energy
  • What part of ATP is this?

  • What part of ATP is this?

  • What part of ATP is this?
  • What part of ATP is this?

    Chemical bonds
  • Where is energy stored?
    In the chemical bonds
  • What part of ADP is this?
  • Whats ADP?

    Adenosine diphosphate
  • Whats the only difference between an ATP molecule and and ADP molecule?
    An ATP molecule has a Triphosphate while and an ADP molecule has a Diphosphate
  • Which bond breaks to release energy?
    The bond between phosphates 2 and 3 (3 gets broken off)