includes appendages of the body which are the shoulders, arms and hips are attached.
Attach to the axial skeleton.
4 basicskeletal bone shape
long bones
short Bones
flat bones
also called as cranium
protects the brain and houses the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
The top of the skull is called calvaria or skullcap. it is the top most part of the neurocranium. it protects the renal cavity that houses the
When the skull is disassembled the mandible is easily separated from the rest of the skull which remains intact.
the calvaria compromises of
frontal bone
perietal bone
temporal bone
occipitall bone
sphenoid bone
Joined at the sagittal suture, connected to the frontal bone through the coronal suture.
parietal bone
paired bones, left and right
parietal bone
Connected to the parietal bones through the lambdoid suture.
occipital bone
The parietal and occipital bones are the major structures visible structures in the posterior view
Parietal connects to occipital by lambdoid suture.
4 bones found in superior view of skull
parietal (left and right)
External occipital protuberance are present on the posterior surface of the occipital bone
These are small set of ridges that extend laterally from the external occipital protuberance, are the points of attachment for the several neck muscles.
inferior nuchal line
2 types of nuchal line
superior nuchal line
inferior nuchal line
The parietal bone and the squamous part of the temporal one form a major portion of the side of the head.
A prominent feature of the temporal bone that has a. large hole.
squamous suture
Transmits soundwaves towards your eardrum or the tympanic membrane
external auditory canal
Attachment points of the temporalis muscle.
superior and inferior temporal lines
is immediately anterior to the temporal bone
lateral surface of the greater wing of sphenoid
Forms bridges across the side.
temporal and zygomatic
Anterior and inferior to the zygomatic bone to which it is joined.
Also called the lower jaw
Is inferior to the maxilla and attaches posteriorly to the temporal bone.
major structures of the skull in anterior view
frontal bone
zygomatic bones
lock jaw at the mandibular head
5 functions of vertebral column
supports the weight of the head and trunk
protects the spinal cord
allows spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord
provides site for muscle attachment
permist movement of the head and trunk
vertebral column is composed of 26 bones when adult
vertebral column have 5 regions
cervical - 7 bones
thoracic - 12 bones
lumbar - 5 bones
sacrum - 1
coccyx - 1
sacrum: s1-s5 during the embryo stage
The five vertebrae are fused into a single bone called the sacrum.
Sacral promontory can be felt during vaginal examination. Is also used as a reference for measuring the pelvic inlet.
The most inferior part of the vertebral column usually consists of 3-5 semi fused vertebrae that form a triangle.
Also called the thoraciccage
protects the heart and lungs within the thoracic and forms a semi rigid chamber.
rib cage
rib cage consist of:
thoracic vertebrae
the ribs with associated costal cartilage
Also known as the breastbone
Described as sword shaped
3 parts of sternum
the body (gladiolus)
xiphoid process
Manubrium; is known as the sword handle; Its superior margin is called the jugular notch/suprasternal notch in the midline.