Soul- According to Plato, the soul (psyche) is the logical thinking part which seeks to learn the truth
Plato says only composite parts can be destroyed or naturally disintegrate
Bodies are composite (can be destroyed or disintegrate), whereas souls are non-material and cannot be destroyed or disintegrate
Thumos- Spiritual part of the psyche. E.g. natural readiness for a fight, courage or righteous anger
The soulanimates the body
Appetitive part of the body is influenced by the soul
In Plato's, The Meno, Socrates teaches an uneducated slave boy geometry. Plato believes this shows the boy had an innate knowledge of mathematics that Socrates activated.
"Without anyone teaching him, he will recover his knowledge for himself if he is only asked questions."- Plato, The Meno
Major criticisms of the concept of the forms
The World of the Forms is not known to us
We have no recollection of its existence
Why are we unaware of our soul's previous experience?
How does the World of the Forms interact with the World of the Senses?
The Forms are immaterial, it is unclear how they affect what we perceive
Some philosopher (Hume) think knowledge should be based on experience