Plato's ideas of the Soul

Cards (10)

  • Dualism- the body and the soul are separate
  • Soul- According to Plato, the soul (psyche) is the logical thinking part which seeks to learn the truth
  • Plato says only composite parts can be destroyed or naturally disintegrate
  • Bodies are composite (can be destroyed or disintegrate), whereas souls are non-material and cannot be destroyed or disintegrate
  • Thumos- Spiritual part of the psyche. E.g. natural readiness for a fight, courage or righteous anger
  • The soul animates the body
  • Appetitive part of the body is influenced by the soul
  • In Plato's, The Meno, Socrates teaches an uneducated slave boy geometry. Plato believes this shows the boy had an innate knowledge of mathematics that Socrates activated.
  • "Without anyone teaching him, he will recover his knowledge for himself if he is only asked questions."- Plato, The Meno
  • Major criticisms of the concept of the forms
    • The World of the Forms is not known to us
    • We have no recollection of its existence
    • Why are we unaware of our soul's previous experience?
    • How does the World of the Forms interact with the World of the Senses?
    • The Forms are immaterial, it is unclear how they affect what we perceive
    • Some philosopher (Hume) think knowledge should be based on experience