Burger's Contemporary Study

Cards (7)

  • When was Burger's study?
  • What were the aims of Burger's study
    • To see if Milgram's findings were Era-Bound
    • To see if Milgram's findings were Andocentric
  • What was Burger's sample?
    • 70 adults (29 men and 41 women)
    • Aged 20 to 81 (Mean age 42.1)
    • 60% had Uni Degrees
    • 55% White, 4% Afro-American
  • What technique did Burger use to collect his sample?
    Volunteer - Put up flyers in many public places
  • What safeguards were put in place that improved on Milgram's ethics and experiment as a whole?
    • Shocks were only went up to 150 V
    • Two Step Screening excluded those who were vulnerable and/or knew Milgram's Study on obedience
    • 15 V was given at the beginning and not 45 V
    • Participants were debriefed immediately
    • Clinical Psychologist on the sideline to detect if the Participant was too distressed
    • Experiment would be terminated if they reached 150 V or defied all 4 Verbal Prods
  • What were the findings of Burger's Study?
    Milgram's 150V -> 82.5%
    Burger 150V -> 70%
    Men -> 66.7%
    Women ->72.7%
    Defiant -> EC - 19.25, DPC - 106.92
    Obedient -> EC - 19.20, DPC - 98.24
  • What was Burger's conclusion?
    • Milgram's findings weren't Era Bound nor Andocentric
    • Lack of Empathic Concern does not effect Obedience, but Desire for Personal Control does. However Desire for Personal Control doesn't effect Defiance