Cards (17)

  • Rusbult et al (2011)
    stated that commitment depended on 3 factors
    the investment model is an extension on SET
  • factor 1
  • what does satisfaction involve?
    based on comparison levels
    looking at rewards and costs and what's profitable
    based on previous experience and social norms
  • 2nd factor
    comparison with altenatives
  • what does comparison with alternatives involve
    evaluating our current relationship and deciding if we could be profiting off being with an alternative option
  • 3rd factor
    investment size
  • extrinsic investments

    resources developed over time as a result of being in the relationship
    For example: possessions, social networks, memories
  • intrinsic investment

    resources put into the relationship directly
    For example: money (tangible), emotion (intangible), time
  • all factors will lead to?
  • commitment leads to?
    Relationship maintenance mechanisms
  • accomodation
    promoting relationship rather than keeping a tally of costs and rewards
  • Willingness to sacrifice
    putting your partner first
  • Forgiveness
    willingness to forgive partner's mistakes - can be both minor and serious
  • positive illusions
    being unrealistically positive and partner's qualities
  • ridiculing alternatives
    minimising the advantages of potential alternatives and viewing them in a negative way
  • commitment vs satisfaction
    commitment means a person has high investment so would be more likely to stay in a relationship even when unsatisfied
  • what are the relationship maintenance mechanisms?
    willingness to sacrifice
    positive illusions
    ridiculing alternatives