Cards (4)

  • What is thyroxine and where is it produced?
    Thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland (in the neck).
    It regulates:
    • Metabolism (rate of chemical reactions in cells).
    • Heart rate and temperature.
    • Growth and development in children.
  • How is thyroxine controlled by negative feedback?
    1. Low thyroxine levels detected → Pituitary gland releases TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone).
    2. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to release more thyroxine.
    3. Thyroxine levels increase → TSH production stops.
    This maintains a stable level of thyroxine in the body.
  • What happens if too much thyroxine is produced?
    • Increased metabolism → More energy used.
    • Weight loss, high heart rate, and sweating.
    • Less TSH produced (negative feedback reduces hormone production).
  • What happens if too little thyroxine is produced?
    • Slow metabolism → Weight gain.
    • Low energy levels and fatigue.
    • Cold intolerance (feeling cold often).
    • More TSH is released to stimulate the thyroid gland.