UNIT 1 - The Self in Different Perspectives

Cards (79)

  • Epistemology - theory of knowledge and how it deals with it.
  • Reason - the chief source and test of knowledge in Rationalism
  • Reason - enables us to think deeply, make wise choices, and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths.
  • For PLATO, reason is the highest and most powerful human capacity.
  • Metaphysical Concept - a reality which cannot be proven by the human senses but can be intelligible and meaningful with the use of reason.
  • Dualism - is the belief in the twofold nature of man as body and soul
  • Body - changeable, imperfect and transient
  • Soul - unchanging, eternal and immortal
  • Introspection - learning about one’s own conscious thoughts or recent mental processes.
  • Introspection - pagmumuni-muni or pagbubulay-bulay or pagninilay-nilay or pagsisiyasat ng sarili
  • Experience - the chief source and test of knowledge in empiricism.
  • Empiricism - is the philosophical approach to knowledge whose truth value can only be verified by the senses.
  • Scientific Method
    • Observation
    • Question
    • Hypothesis
    • Experiment
    • Conclusion
    • Result
  • Tabula Rasa - John Locke theorized that the mind at birth is a blank page.
  • Tabula Rasa - Individuals are born without any mental content.
  • Tabula Rasa - Knowledge of something comes from our experience.
  • Tabula Rasa - The Self is a by-product of one’s interaction with the environment, and not because of the mind or the soul infused into us.
  • Monism - is the view that man is one unitary organic whole with no independent parts.
  • Monism - The brain is a part of the body, while the mind is the function of the brain.
  • Rationalism - Introspection/Know Thyself
    Empiricism - Monism
    Empiricism - John Locke's Tabula Rasa
    Empiricism - Scientific Method
    Rationalism - Reason
    Rationalism - Dualism
    Rationalism - Metaphysical Concept
    Empiricism - Senses / Experience
  • Mentalism - refers to those branches of study that concentrate on perception and thought processes.
  • Introspection - is a tool applied to the study of consciousness (or the awareness of what is happening in or around oneself.
  • Dr. Sigmund Freud - proposed that an individual does not just behave according to his consciousness.
  • Conscious Level
    • Thoughts
    • Perceptions
  • Preconscious Level
    • Memories
    • Stored Knowledge
  • Unconscious Level
    • Fears
    • Immoral Urges
    • Unacceptable Sexual Desires
    • Irrational Wishes
    • Violent Motives
    • Shameful Experiences
    • Selfish Needs
  • Ego - operates based on reality principle
  • Superego - operates based on perfection principle
  • Id - operates based on pleasure principle
  • Thanatos - aggressive or destructive energy
  • Eros - libido or sexualized energy
  • Conscious - part of the mind which comprises the things one is aware of.
  • Preconscious - consists of anything that could potentially be brought into the conscious mind.
  • Unconscious - contains the childhood memories and the mental processes away from awareness that significantly affect behavior.
  • Neurosis - characterized by anxiety, depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress that are out of proportion to the circumstances of a person's life.
  • Behaviorism - is an approach to psychology based on the belief that learning occurs through interactions with the environment.
  • The Little Albert Experiment - A little boy used to be fond of bunnies but later on became fearful of them when Watson paired a loud sound whenever the bunny was presented to the child.
  • Rewards - Behaviors that lead to pleasant consequences tend to be repeated.
  • Punishment - Behaviors that result to unpleasant consequences tend to be avoided.
  • Behaviorism - defines the self how is it shaped by our behaviors that lead to either reward or punishment.