upper class - aristocracy or gentry who were hereditary landowners
lower class - peasant who worked manually
activities for lower class: mob football, dog fighting and prize fighting, simple and quite often violent and had few rules
activities for upper class: real tennis, fox hunting, these were sophisticated and had a complex set of rules or required money with which to participate, they had the money and education to develop this
Activities but both classes had different roles e.g pedestrianism
Pre-industrial - gender
women participated in different activities
women had few rights
women were seen to be physically weaker and socially inferior , so weren't allowed to take part in sports which were seen as dangerous or strenuous
male dominated society
low class women - smock racing
upper class women - archery
pre-industrial - law and order
uncivilised society with no police force
a lack of order and law allows for aggressive game e.g mob football
pre-industrial - education and literacy
upper class - educated and literate (read and write), so could read and understand rules for more sophisticated activities like real tennis
lower class - uneducated and illiterate, simple and unsophisticated with few rules like mob football
pre-industrial - availability of time
lower class - long manual working hours so lacked time and energy therefore many activities were often confined to festivals or holy days (annually)
upper class - lots of recreational time and therefore could be involved in activities which were longer lasting e.g fox hunting and cricket
pre-industrial - availability of money
upper class - had more money and time so had more opportunities for involvement, they could afford horses, equipment and appropriate clothing
lower class - poor so activities were simple and natural
both classes associated with wagering/gambling but for different reasons
pre-industrial - type and availability of transport
roads were in poor condition, preventing leaving their immediate village
upper class had horse and carriage
lower class transport limited so had to walk by foot
Mob football
played by lower class
not a spectator sport
dominated by men
no rules except no murder
played of rare occasions
cock fighting:
upper class watched
lower class participated in 'throwing at cocks'
special pits with a small fence
centred on gambling
real tennis:
very complex rules
good for spectators
dominated by men
played by upper class
required specialist equipment and facilities
peaceful, good natured game
A form of 19th century competitivewalking. The lower class would compete and the upper class would be like sponsors
The lower class would compete and the upper class would be like sponsors