Divisions of the Nervous System

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  • Automatic nervous system- involuntary; regulates functions of our internal organs; regulates involuntary responses
  • Somatic nervous system- voluntary; regulates voluntary movements; in control of movement; 2 types:
    Sympathetic- fight or flight
    Parasympathetic- rest and digest
  • Central nervous system- comprised of the brain and spinal cord; command centre; deals with receiving, processing and responding to sensory information; reflex arc
  • Nervous system- system including the brain, spinal cord and complex nerves, which send messages back and forth between brain and body
  • Brain- complex organ that controls the senses and regulates the body
  • Spinal cord- a long tube-like band of tissue connecting from your brain to lower back and carries signals between brain and body
  • Peripheral nervous system- a network of nerves that run throughout the head, neck and body