Cards (32)

  • What is the primary mandate of the Philippine Port Authority?

    To ensure the efficient coordination of port operations to promote regional industrial growth.
  • What is the primary objective of the Philippine Port Authority?
    To manage cargo movement and generate revenue.
  • What do port districts refer to?

    Areas under PPA control specifically for port development and management.
  • Who acts as the Chairman of the PPA Board of Directors?
    The Secretary of Transportation and Communications.
  • Who acts as the Vice Chairman of the PPA Board of Directors?
    The General Manager of the Authority.
  • What is the responsibility of the General Manager of the PPA?
    To appoint and remove personnel below the rank of Assistant General Manager, subject to Board approval.
  • Who approves the raising of funds through loans, credits, or borrowing of the PPA?
    The President, Central Bank, and Department of Finance.
  • What was the authorized capital of the PPA increased from and to?
    From 3 billion to 5 billion.
  • What are quays and warehouses in relation to the PPA?

    Port facilities that can be transferred from other government agencies to the PPA.
  • What is the role of the Board of the PPA?

    To prepare the annual budget and ensure proper accounting is maintained.

  • The PPA can adjust port charges for port services.The PPA can adjust port charges for port services.
  • Under what condition may the President adjust port dues?

    Upon recommendation from the PPA.
  • What responsibilities does the Philippine Port Authority have regarding ports?

    To detail engine, dredging, and reclamation of ports.
  • What may happen if there is a refusal to pay port dues?

    Goods may be subject to seizure.
  • How many members are there in the Board of the PPA?
    9 members.
  • What is the term length for a representative from the private sector appointed by the President?
    3 years.
  • What authority does the PPA have regarding dangerous goods in ports?

    The PPA has the authority to regulate the movement of dangerous goods in ports under its jurisdiction.
  • Under what condition is remission of dues granted by the PPA?
    When vessels are sheltering from bad weather.
  • In what can the PPA invest its funds to generate revenue?
    Government-approved securities.
  • What is the role of the National Port Advisory Council?

    To assist the PPA in formulating policies related to labor, customs, and local shipping.
  • Who appoints the Internal Auditor of the PPA?
    The Board.
  • What is the penalty for unauthorized unloading of cargo by a domestic vessel?
  • What is the penalty for unauthorized unloading of cargo by overseas vessels?
  • What responsibilities does the Bureau of Customs (BOC) retain after the establishment of the PPA?

    All responsibilities related to port operations.
  • What responsibilities does the Philippine Port Authority have regarding national revenues?

    To determine the priority of ports and manage the allocation of national revenues specifically designated for port development.
  • Who has the exclusive right to appoint the Harbor Master once a port district is declared under PPA jurisdiction?
    The General Master with Board Approval.
  • What system must be followed for the transfer of staff from other government agencies to the PPA?
    A merit-based system aligned with Civil Service Rules.
  • What authority does the Philippine Port Authority have regarding vessels that fail to follow port safety regulations?
    The PPA can temporarily seize a vessel even before the legal due process is completed.
  • What does the PPA's exemption on real property tax extend to?
    All port assets, whether under construction or fully operational.
  • What are the responsibilities of the Harbor Master?

    To direct where vessels should be berthed, regulate their movement, and determine their unloading/loading.
  • What responsibilities does the Philippine Port Authority have regarding planning and construction?

    To plan, engineer, construct, expand, rehabilitate, and dredge all ports under its system.
  • Does the PPA have authority over the construction and management of public port facilities owned by private entities?
    Yes, the PPA has exclusive authority over these facilities within PPA controlled districts.