A database is an example of application software to store and manipulate data.
A table is a set of data about one type of object.
A field is an individual piece of data being stored about an object.
A record is a collection of these fields about one object. An example is all the personal details about a single student, because the fields are categories like date of birth.
Text is a sequence of letters, numbers, or symbols.
Integers are whole numbers.
Date/Time can store either just a date or a date and a time.
Boolean holds a value which is either true or false.
Reals are numbers with a decimal place in them.
A primary key is a unique identifier for a record. They can be used to uniquely identify each record.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard language to define and manipulate databases.
A script is a set of statements that are executed.
To start a query, you need to define what fields you want to show, and from what table. For example:
SELECT fieldnames
FROM table;
Remember to add a semicolon at the end. And if you want to select all fields use ‘*’.
To select specific data from a table, you need to add a WHERE. And you use the same operators as programming (=, <=, >=, <, >, <>). For example:
SELECT fieldnames
FROM table
WHERE condition; (could be WHERE Type = “Comedy”)
To order the data in a particular order, ascending or descending use ASC or DESC. For example:
SELECT fieldnames
FROM table
ORDER BY fieldname ASC/DESC;
You can also count the amount of records in a database, using COUNT(). For example:
This would give the number of records in ItemNumber. You can change the name of the field that has this number by adding AS nameofchoice to the first line.
You can also sum the total value of a field, like price, using SUM(). For example:
SELECTSUM(Price) AS TotalPrice
WHERE Size=5;
This would give a field called ‘TotalPrice’ with the amount of money of shoes size 6 in it.
You can use the AVG(), MIN(), and MAX(), in the first line too.
AND is used for only data that meets both conditions will be returned. For example:
SELECT fieldnames
FROM table
WHERE field1 = True AND field2 < 3.99;
OR is used for data to meet one condition, or another condition. If a record meets both then this will be returned only once. For example: