The right to have that reputationprotectedbyplacinglimits on freedom of expression
The right to people whose reputation have been harmed to seekeffective and fair remedies
The right to a quick and effectivemethod of resolving a dispute in relation to defamation
Elements to establish liability
Statement is defamatory
Must lower a person’s reputation or standing in the community
Exposure to ridicule, contempt or hatred
Plaintiff needs to prove that their reputation has been damaged by the publication of the material
Elements required to establish liability
2. Statement is untrue
If the statement is substantially true it is not defamation
Elements required to establish liability
3. Statementrefers to the plaintiff
Plaintiff must prove that the statement is referring to them, even if not mentioned by name.
A plaintiff can be defamed as part of a group.
Elements required to establish liability
4. Defendantpublisheddefamatory statement
The statements must be communicated to another person. When a third party reads, hears or sees the defamatory material then the plaintiff can take action.
Publication can be verbal or in
e.g Articles, letters, books, blogs, website, social media