Likely to happen in situations that are new to a person, a crisis or ambiguous situations
ISI is a cognitive process that leads to internalisation - permanent change
Normative Social Influence (NSI)
Conform because we want to be liked
Happens with strangers or in a social environment when we are concerned about social approval
NSI is an emotional process - leads to compliance - a temporary change
Strength of NSI
There is research evidence to support the experiment
When Asch interviewed his participants, some said that they conformed because they felt self conscious giving the correct answer as they were afraid of disapproval
When they wrote their answers down conformity rate fell by 12.5% - because giving answers privately meant that there was no group pressure
Limitation of NSI
Does not predict conformity in every case
Some people are nAffiliators (they want to relate to people)
Students who are nAffiliators are more likely to conform
This shows that NSI shows conformity for some people more than others
Strength of ISI
Research support from Lucas et al
He found that participants conformed more often to incorrect answers they were given when the maths problems were difficult
When the questions were easy, the participants knew their own minds but when they got harder then the situation became ambiguous - the participants didn't want to be wrong so they replied on the answers they were given