Greek Literature - These are writings composed in greece
Ancient Greek Literature - This is the oldest surviving written works
Ancient greek literature are composed of 4 types:
Roman age
Pre classical refers to the beginning of greek literature, where stands the 2 famous works of homer, illiad and odyssey.
Pre classical refers to the beginning of greek literature, where stands the 2 famous works of homer, illiad and odyssey.
Classical Period - In this period, genres from the west are prominant, and playwrights are emerging.
Hellenistic Period - This is the rising of greek poetry
Attic Age - This period was the most glorious in ancient history
Alexandria - A city in egypt founded by alexander
Homer - Greek blind poet
Homer composed both Illiad and Odyssey
Sophocles - Dramatist who composed 123 plays but only 7 survived
Euclid was an ancient Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.
Euclid's main work is "The Elements" which is used in mathematics.
Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher of the Classical period who is considered a foundational thinker in Western philosophy and an innovator of the written dialogue and dialectic forms.
Aristophanes - Playwright of comedies
Europides - was a Greek tragedian of classical Athens.
Athens had to be educated to belong in greek society
Spartans - For them, reading and writing is unimportant. They are trained for battle
Greece comes from the Latin word "Graceia"
Greece comes from the Latin word "Graceia"
Graceia comes from the greek word "Graikoi"
The original Greek Name was, and still is, "Hellas"
Hellas means "The land of the Helens"
Ancient Greek Literature is Literature before AD 350
Hellenistic Period is where the translation of the old testament into Greek was completed.
In Hellenistic period where the old testament was translated, it is said that there was 72 scholars who did the work.
Byzantine - It is a multiform organism, combining Greek and Christian Civilization on the common foundation of the Roman Political System
Byzantine's 4 different elements:
Byzantine - Encyclopedia and Chronicles arose from this period.
Different Ages of Ancient Greek Literature
Homeric Age
Attic Age
Hellenic Age
The Homeric Age - This age marked the creation of the greek epics, the odyssey and the illiad.
The Hellenic Age - The literary prominence passed by athens to alexandria, a city in egypt founded by alexander.
Alexandria became the metropolis of the Hellenistic World
Masters of Modern greek Letters:
In general, 20th century greek literature reflects the evolution of european modernism.
Plato's 2 most famous works:
The Republic
Until age of 6, boys were taught by their mothers or by a male slave.