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  • What are all places made up of?
    factors which make up their unique character - this is formed by their many different characteristics
    these factors can be classified as endogenous or exogenous
  • Define endogenous factors?

    The internal factors which shape a place's character
    can be physical or human
  • Physical endogenous factors?

    Location, topography, physical geography
  • Location refers to what?

    Where a place is eg on coast , in rural or urban area , on the confluence of roads
  • How does location influence place character?

    Places can be characterised by the features that are present BECAUSE OF their location
    eg coastal place characterised by port as due to its direct proximity to the sea
  • What is topography?

    refers to the shape of the landscape
  • How can places be characterised DIRECTLY by their topography?

    EG in a valley, places would be characterised as flat, whereas in mountainous region- places characterised by steep slopes
  • What does topography also affect?

    Other factors which give places their character
    thus topography can indirectly characterise places ?
    eg land use- flat places suitable for large-scale arable farming (crops) whilst mountainous regions suitable for grazing animals - pastoral farming
  • What does physical geography refer to?

    The environmental features of a place eg altitude, aspect, soil type , rock type
  • How can places be directly characterised by their physical geography?

    EG a place could have igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, which form different landscapes
  • How can physical geography affect other factors that give places their character (indirect?)?

    eg economic characteristics- places rich in natural resources may be characterised by the industries that can exist there