“There are three things in love…love is of someone that loves, and with love somethingis loved. Behold, then, there are three things: he that loves, and that which isloved, and love.” (St Augustine)
“We believe in oneGod, the Father, the Almighty…We believe inone Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son ofGod…We believe in theHoly Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.” (Nicene Creed)
“The word became fleshand made his dwellingamong us” (John)
“Who, being in very natureGod…made himself nothing” (St Paul – Kenosis Hymn)
John Hick: God made suffering to help us to grow and learn.
God does not exist. The belief that God is all powerful, all knowing and all good is an ‘inconsistent triad’ - David Hume
ISAIAH 53 “He wasdespised and rejected bymankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.”
For what is that which we call evil but the absence of good? Disease and wounds meannothing but the absenceof health’ (St Augustine)
“That which is evil…enhancesour admiration of thegood” (St Augustine Enchiridion)
“For what is thatwhich we call evilbut the absence ofgood (privation)” (St Augustine Enchiridion)
“He (God) can bring good, even out of evil” (St Augustine Enchiridion)