The Bible does not mention the Trinity directly, but the concept is shown in stories such as Jesus’ baptism and in John’s Gospel.
St Augustine helped describe the Trinity using the analogy of love (Lover, Loved and Love itself).
Orthodox Jews may argue that the belief in the Trinity challenges the first commandment “You shall have nogods before me”. A belief in the Trinity would break the covenant that God made with Abraham and Moses.
St Paul wrote the Kenosis hymn. Kenosis means ‘empty’ and shows that God gave up his power to become human in Jesus.
Jews reject the belief that Jesus is the Messiah because they believe that the Messiah will be a human descendant of King David
ORIGINAL SIN – God created a perfect world. Adam and Eve went against God. This introduced pain and suffering into the world. We all have Original Sin, the tendency to go against God.
AUGUSTINE’S VIEW - God made a perfect world. Fallen angels caused chaos in nature which brought natural evil into the world and Adam & Eve brought moral evil.
Catholics believe that free will is a gift from God.