
    Subdecks (3)

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    • pre-modern
      -used religion/god for every explanation
      -didn't change, stayed stable
    • modernity
      -industrialisation & urbanisation
      -identity was fixed
      -based heavily on occupation & class
      -less choice
    • globalisation
      -increasing interconnectedness
      -technological change : instant communication across societies
      -transport : travel between societies
      -economic changes : increase in trade & economic inequalities
      -political changes : most important unit of power is nation state
    • postmodernity
      -time of globalisation
      -identity is more fluid
      -social structures have less power over identities & behaviour
      -people have more choice = more diversity
      -international power
      -enlightenment project no longer possible
    • the enlightenment project
      -idea that society can progress through the use of human reason (rationality & science) to find out the truth about the world
      -postmodernists argue this is no longer possible
    • Foucault & Lyotard - knowledge

      -argue there's no sure foundation of knowledge > no objective criteria to prove theory true or false
      consequences of this :
      > rejection of the Enlightenment Project
      > rejection of accepted knowledge & metanarratives
      -through the rejection of metanarratives, postmodernists take a relativist position
      -argue as there's so many versions of the truth, people don't believe wholeheartedly in any one version
    • consequences of having no sure foundations to knowledge

      -rejection of the Enlightenment Project
      -rejection of accepted knowledge & metanarratives
    • relativist position

      all accounts of reality are equally valid
    • Baudrillard - consumer culture 

      -postmodern age is a world where people respond to images/symbols rather than people, places & objects
      -people consume products in order to construct own identities
      > demonstrating how we're disconnected from reality
    • Baudrillard - simulacra
      -he seems many objects as being completely removed from their grounding in 'reality' in postmodern era
      -media produces an endless stream of ever-changing images, values & versions of the truth > there's no longer a coherent/fixed set of values shared by members of society
      -simulacra : just a symbol, devoid from reality
      -hyperreality : society composed of many simulacrum
    • is Baudrillard optimistic or pessimistic about modern society?
    • why is Baudrillard pessimistic about postmodern society?

      -he believes that media-created hyperreality has left us unable to distinguish images from reality
      -means we no longer have the power to improve society > can't even grasp what it's really like
      > Enlightenment Project is no longer possible
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