theories, methods & debates

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    • structural approach - individuals shaped by society > puppets on string
      -studies social institutions & structures that make up society
    • social action approach - individuals have free will & choice
      -studies actions of individuals & interpretations
    • 2 types of structural - based on consensus / conflict
    • socialisation - process whereby individuals learn society's culture
    • positive sanction - action that rewards particular kind of behaviour
    • negative sanction - a punishment or threat of punishment used to enforce conformity
    • formal sanction - official action taken by formal organisation
    • informal sanction - social / cultural action taken by an individual / group
    • primary socialisation - takes place during childhood
      - families usually main agency of socialisation
      - mostly teaches particularistic norms & values
    • secondary socialisation - takes place throughout rest of childhood & life
      - performed by other social institutions
      - teaches more universal norms & values
    • gender socialisation - teaches what's the expected norms & values for different gender roles
      - done from early age throughout process of canalisation
      - canalisation = directing boys & girls to gendered objects & activities
    • achieved status - gained through own success
    • ascribed status - inherited characteristics we're born with
      - beyond our control
    • role - made up of particularistic norms of expected behaviour associated with given status / identity
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