Idiographic and Nomothetic approaches

Cards (8)

  • Idiographic approaches - focus on more individual case as a means of understanding behaviour rather than aiming to come up with general laws of behaviour.
    This approach is associated with qualitative methods like case studies and interviews - usually considered subjective
  • Example of idiographic approach - humanistic approach
    Humanists were only interested in documenting conscious experiences of the individual or 'self'. They are more concerned with investigating unique experience than producing general laws of behaviour.
  • Nomothetic approach - involves studying a large sample of participants and using the findings to generate general laws/models and make inference about the wider population. Make generalisations and predictions.
    Associated with quantitative methods like experiments. Statistically analysed and the approach aims to be objective.
  • Example of nomothetic approach
    Milgram - tested sample of participants to propose his theory of situational obedience.
    Ainsworth - tested infants using the strange situation to propose three attachment types
    Much of the research conducted by cognitive, behaviourist and biological psychologists would be classed as nomothetic
  • AO3 - case for idiographic approach
    In depth qualitative methods provides complete and global account of the individual. This may complement the nomothetic approach by shedding further light on general laws.
    Example - a single case may generate hypotheses for further study. Findings form such research may reveal important insights which may contribute to our overall understanding
  • AO3 - case against idiographic approach
    Restricted nature of work. Freuds Oedipus complex was criticised as it was largely developed from a single case (little Hans), therefore meaningful generalisations cannot be made.
    The methods used such as case studies tend to be least scientific, conclusions often rely on the subjective interpretations of the researcher.
  • AO3 - case for nomothetic approach
    The processes involved in the nomothetic research tend to be more scientific - testing under standardised conditions and using statistical analysis and control.
    Such processes have enabled psychologists to establish norms of typical behaviour like average IQ of 100 which gives the discipline of psychology greater scientific credibility.
  • AO3 - case against nomothetic approach
    Nomothetic approach's preoccupation with general laws, prediction and control has been accused of 'losing the whole person' within psychology.
    Lab studies treat participants as a series of scores rather than individual people and so their subjective experience is ignored.
    This means the nomothetic approach may sometimes overlooks the richness of human experience.