Static electricity

Cards (13)

  • Electrostatic forces are the forces between charges
  • Like charges repel eachother; AKA electrostatic repulsion
  • Opposite charges attract eachother; AKA electrostatic attraction
  • Electrons can be moved from one object to another using friction
  • For an object to have a negative charge, it would take another object's electrons
  • For an object to have a positive charge, it would give another object electrons
  • Materials like human skin, leather, wool, fur, silk, and aluminium are more likely to lose electrons
  • Materials like wood, amber, hard rubber, polyester, plastics, and silicon are more likely to attract electrons
  • A neutral object can be attracted to a charged object
  • Electrons move around however protons and neutrons are tightly secured in the nucleus of an atom
  • Static electricity is the imbalance of charges within or on the surface of a material
  • The Van De Graaff Generator uses static electricity on a moving belt to positively charge a large metal sphere as it carries the electrons away.
  • An insulator is a substance that does not allow free movement of electrons through its structure