
Cards (18)

  • negotiation - least formal, negotiate settlement by themselves or between solicitors, often continue up to trial but many settle out of court
  • mediation - independent third party help reach settlement, no suggestions but help either party to make their own decisions
  • conciliation - similar to mediation although actively tries to get parties to come to agreement, offers suggestions and non binding opinions
  • arbitration - most formal type of adr, dispute decided by independent arbitrator eg. small claims track
  • scott v avery clause - businesses agree to use arbitration if there's an issue with their deal as prevents going to court, maintains relationship
  • ++ arbitration - can be paper/written arbitration or hearing
  • ++ arbitration - award is final, legally binding, can be enforced
  • -- arbitration - if legal point pops up no one is qualified to deal with it
  • -- arbitration - professionals can be expensive eg. commericial arbitration
  • ++ parties in control, can withdraw any time
  • ++ cheap as no court/less time
  • ++ parties can continue to work together after
  • -- amount won is lower than winning in court
  • -- inequality of bargaining power, bullying into settlement
  • -- not legally binding
  • -- might have to go to court anyway
  • ++ can be as informal or formal as wanted
  • ++ hire someone who specialises in area