privy chamber

Cards (16)

  • What is the role of the presence chamber in the court?

    It is a space where the monarch meets with courtiers and officials.
  • How does the Privy Chamber differ from the presence chamber?

    The Privy Chamber is less influential and has restricted admission.
  • What was the significance of the Lord Chamberlain in the court?

    The Lord Chamberlain's role in ceremonial aspects increased in importance.
  • How did Elizabeth I politicize her court according to Haig?

    She turned her politicians, like Cecil, into courtiers and her courtiers, like the Earl of Leicester and Sir Christopher Hatton, into politicians.
  • Who was Sir Christopher Hatton?

    He served as Lord Chancellor.
  • What metaphor did Elizabeth I use regarding her influence over men?

    She "fished for men's souls" with a "sweet bait" that no one could escape.
  • What roles were typically held in the court, chamber, and household?
    • Wardships
    • Military posts
    • Ambassadors
    • Clerical preferment
  • What were the main functions of the Privy Council?

    • Deal with military matters
    • Enforce religious conformity
    • Apply social and economic policies
    • Direct local government
  • How did the influence of William Cecil affect the Privy Council?

    His influence meant that the Privy Council became the heart of the Tudor regime.
  • What was a notable change in the composition of the Privy Council as Elizabeth aged?

    The composition began to change, excluding traditional magnates.
  • What was the timeline of the Privy Council's membership from 1570 to 1597?

    • 1570: 19 members with 6 magnates
    • 1586: 9 members with 2 magnates
    • 1597: 11 members with no magnates
  • Who were the key figures in the Privy Council during the 1560s to 1580s?

    • Leicester and Cecil
    • Walsingham
    • Hatton
    • Sussex
  • When did Robert Dudley die?

    He died in 1588.
  • When did Walsingham die?

    He died in 1590.
  • When did Hatton die?

    He died in 1591.
  • What changes occurred in the Privy Council's membership from the 1560s to the 1590s?

    • 1560s: Key figures included Leicester and Cecil
    • 1570-80: Addition of Walsingham, Hatton, and Sussex
    • 1590s: Shift in composition with the deaths of key members