1.2 Allocation of resources

Cards (13)

  • Allocative efficiency - When resources are allocated to the best interests of society when there is maximum social welfare and maximum utility.
  • Economic efficiency- when resources are allocated optimally, so every consumer benefits and waste is minimised
  • Incentive - something which motivates an individual to make a decision and behave a certain way.
  • Market Economy - An economy where the market mechanism allocates resources so consumers make decisions about what is produced.
  • Maximisation - Consumers aim to generate the greatest utility possible, firms aim to generate the highest profits possible.
  • Mixed economy - Both the free market mechanism and the government allocate resources.
  • Planned economy - all factors of production are allocated by the state, so they decide what, how and for whom to produce goods.
  • Productive efficiency - When resources are used to give the maximum possible output at the lowest possible cost; MC=AC
  • Resource allocation - How resources are distributed among producers and how goods and services are distributed among consumers.
  • Advantages of a Planned Economy.
    > Government can focus on where they are most needed in the economy.
    > Prices can be controlled so most in need can access goods or services
    > Fewer resources are wasted on duplicating goods or services
    > There can be less inequality of income and wealth.
  • Advantages of a Mixed Economy:
    > The government can decide which resources to control.
    > Markets forces can be used for goods and services that are considered less important.
  • Advantages of a Market Economy:
    > Having multiple businesses all competing against one another is likely to lead to lower average costs.
    > Competition between firms can lead to greater efficiency - firms focus on the areas in which they can be most efficient.
    > Firms are more likely to innovate when there is a profit incentive
    > People have an incentive to work in order to earn money to purchase goods and services
  • Which goods and services are controlled by the government/market force depends on:
    > The will of the people - different political systems around the world prioritise different goods and services
    > Government objectives - Some goods and services are considered particularly beneficial to a society
    > The availability of resources in a particular economy - If there is a lack of space in a city the government will have to use rent controls to control the price of accommodation