The circulatory system is a system of blood vessels with a pump and valves to ensure the one-way flow of blood.
Blood carries oxygen, nutrients,hormones, waste products, and immune cells around the body.
Veins return blood back to the heart at low pressure.
Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that allow exchange between the blood and tissues.
Valves prevent backward flow of blood in veins.
The heart has four chambers - two atria (receiving chambers) and two ventricles (pumping chambers).
Arteries carry blood away from the heart at high pressure.
Fish have a single circulation system
Blood flows through? (fish)
gill circulation and system circulation that shares one heart
What is the disadvantage of single circulation?
the pressure drops in capillaries and the blood flow to the body tissue is slow, which limits metabolic rate
Mammals have a double circulation system
Oxygenated blood is pumped from the left to the tissues where it loses most of its pressure
Deoxygenated blood returns to the right side where it is the pumped to the lungs to be oxygenated
The oxygenated blood is sent to the left side to be pumped to the tissues
what is the advantage of double circulation system?
pressure is increased after the blood has passed through the capillaries of the lungs
structure that separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
Structure that prevents the back flow of blood from ventricle to atrium
AV valve (atrioventricular)
Blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood
structure that prevents back flow of blood from pulmonary artery to right ventricle
tricuspid valve
what is meant by a double circulatory system
The blood passes through the heart twice during one circuit of the body
Passage of blood through the heart
Walls of atria contract, pressure causes AV valves to open, blood from atria empties into the ventricles, walls of atria relax, walls of ventricles contract, pressure causes AV valves to snap shut + semi-lunar valves open, blood leaves the left ventricle via the aortic valve and the right ventricle via the pulmonary valve
Why does the heart rate increase during exercise
The muscles need more oxygen from the blood to carry out respiration so the heart has to pump it harder
What is Coronary heart disease (CHD)
When the coronary arteries are blocked by build up of fatty plaques. It restricts the blood flow.
The coronary artery supplies the heart
Risk factors of CHD?
Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and family history.
How to reduce risk of CHD?
Eat healthy, be more physically active, healthy weight, don’t smoke, reduce alcohol consumption, keep blood pressure under control.
vein structure
Large lumen, often have valves, relatively thin walls
Thick layer of muscle and elastic fibres, small lumen, thick walls.
Capillary structure
Walls are a single cell thick, tiny vessel with narrow lumen.
What is a murmur?
A murmur is a blowing, whooshing, or rasping sound that occurs during a heartbeat
causes Of abnormal murmur?
Usually causes by problems with the valves that separate the chambers of the heart
Murmurs can be caused by heart problems that range from mild and requiring little or no medical intervention to life threatening, requiring immediate surgery
the ECG is a diagnostic tool that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart
The results of an ECG will determine what treatment is given, if any
Some of the various heart problems that can be diagnosed by ECG include, abnormal rhythm or irregular heart beats and damage to the heart, such as when one of the coronary arteries is blocked