Minority influence

    Cards (17)

    • What is minority influence?
      Minority influence refers to a small group influencing the beliefs and behavior of others.
    • How does minority influence differ from conformity?
      Minority influence involves a small group influencing others, while conformity involves a majority doing the influencing.
    • What is the likely outcome of minority influence?
      Minority influence is most likely to lead to internalisation of beliefs and behaviors.
    • Who first studied minority influence?
      Serge Moscovici first studied minority influence.
    • What was the name of Moscovici's study on minority influence?
      The study is known as the 'blue slide, green slide' study.
    • What are the three main processes in minority influence?
      • Consistency
      • Commitment
      • Flexibility
    • Why is consistency important in minority influence?
      Consistency increases interest from others and encourages them to rethink their views.
    • What are the two forms of consistency in minority influence?
      The two forms are synchronic consistency and diachronic consistency.
    • What does synchronic consistency refer to?
      Synchronic consistency refers to agreement among people in the minority group.
    • What does diachronic consistency refer to?
      Diachronic consistency refers to consistency over time in the minority's views.
    • What is the augmentation principle in minority influence?
      The augmentation principle states that extreme activities by minorities draw more attention to their views.
    • Why is flexibility important in minority influence?
      Flexibility allows minorities to adapt their views and accept reasonable counterarguments.
    • What is the process of change in minority influence?
      • Minority views prompt deeper processing.
      • Hearing new ideas encourages reconsideration of beliefs.
      • Over time, more people switch from majority to minority views.
      • This leads to the snowball effect, where minority views become majority views.
    • What is the snowball effect in minority influence?
      The snowball effect describes how minority views can gradually become majority views as more people convert.
    • What is one strength of research on consistency in minority influence?
      • Research shows consistent minority opinions have a greater effect on changing views.
      • Moscovici's study demonstrated this effect.
      • Wendy Wood's meta-analysis supports the importance of consistency.
    • What does research by Robin Martin et al. (2003) suggest about minority influence?
      It suggests that minority messages are processed more deeply than majority messages.
    • What is another strength of research on deeper processing in minority influence?
      • Evidence shows that a change in majority position involves deeper processing of minority ideas.
      • Participants were less willing to change opinions after hearing a minority group.
      • This indicates the effectiveness of minority influence.