RvF: Defences

Cards (7)

  • What are the six defences to Rylands V Fletcher?
    Act of God
    Act of stranger
    Statutory authority
    Common benefit
    Claimant's fault
    Contributory negligence
  • 1 ) Act of God
    Natural event too big to foresee (Nichols)
  • 2 ) Act of a stranger
    Act of a stranger D. has no control over (Perry)
  • 3 ) Statutory authority
    Escape occurs during activity authorised by statute - as long as D. wasn't negligent (Green)
  • 4 ) Common benefit
    Accumulation benefits C. and D. (Dunne)
  • 5 ) Claimant's fault
    Escape is due to C's fault (Dunn)
  • 6 ) Contributory Negligence
    C. contributed to damage + if damage made worse by highly sensitive nature of C's land