Adrenal Glands

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  • Adrenal structure
    found lying anterior to kidneys - one on each side of body
    each gland is divided into outer adrenal cortex + inner adrenal medulla
    • both regions are well supplied with blood vessels + produce hormones which are secreted directly into blood vessels
  • Adrenal Cortex
    3 distinct layers
    • zona glomerulosa - outermost layer, which secretes mineralcorticoids such as aldosterone
    • zona fasciculata - middle layer, which secretes glucocorticoids such as cortisol
    • zona reticularis - innermost layer, Tu ought to secrete precursor molecules that are used to make sex hormones
  • Adrenal medulla
    found at centre of adrenal gland + secretes adrenaline + noradrenaline
  • Hormones from adrenal cortex
    adrenal cortex uses cholesterol to produce a range of hormones
    the action of steroidal hormones :
    1. steroid hormones passes through cell membrane of target cell
    2. steroid hormone binds with a specific receptor (with a complementary shape) in cytoplasm
    3. receptor-steroid hormone complex enters nucleus of target cell + binds to another specific receptor on chromosomal material
    4. binding stimulates production of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, which code for production of proteins
  • hormones from adrenal cortex have a variety of roles
    • mineralcorticoids (e.g. aldosterone) from zona glomerulosa helps to control the concentration of sodium and potassium ions in blood contributing to maintain blooding pressure
    → aldosterone acts on cells of distal tubules + collecting ducts in the kidney; increases absorption of sodium ions, decreases absorption of potassium ions + increases water retention so increasing blood pressure
  • hormones from adrenal cortex have a variety of roles 2
    • glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) from zona fasciculata help to control the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in liver
    cortisol is released in response to stress or as a result of a low blood glucose concentration , stimulating production of glucose from stored compounds (especially glycogen, fats and proteins) in liver
  • hormones from adrenal cortex have a variety of roles 3
    • cortisol may also be released by zona reticularis but if correct enzymes are not present for the release of cortisol, then zona reticularis released precursor androgens into blood
    → these are taken up by the ovaries or tested + converted to sex hormones which help development of the secondary sexual characteristics + regulate production of gametes
  • Adrenaline from adrenal medulla
    medulla is where adrenaline is released
    • adrenaline is a polar molecule derived from amino acids tyrosine meaning g it cannot enter through plasma membrane of target cell
    → many cells + tissues have adrenaline receptors so therefore the effects of adrenaline are widespread and role of adrenaline is to prepare the body for activity including following effects:
    A) vasoconstriction
    B) inhibiting
    C) body hair
    D) increasing
    E) smooth muscle
  • adrenaline is known as ‘fight or flight’ hormone but its role are wider than this + can be described as arousal, flight fight and flirt
    adrenaline junkies is someone who appears to be addicted to effects of adrenaline + they appear to enjoy stressful activities or risky situations that cause release of adrenaline giving them a ‘high’
  • Adrenal Medulla
    The region located in the center of the Adrenal Gland, responsible for secreting Adrenaline and Noradrenaline.