right is a moral or legal entitlements to have or do something
responsibility is being answerable or accountable for something within ones control
the australian charter of healthcare rights outline the rights of patients, consumers and other people using the australian healthcare system
the rights are essential to ensure that no matter where healthcare is provided within Australia, it is of high quality and is safe for patients and practioners
expectations of the australian healthcare system
right to healthcare
access services to address my healthcare needs
right to receive safe and high quality care
receiving safe and high quality health services
right to be shown respect
care provided shows respect to me
right to be informed about services in a clear and open way
receive open and appropriate communication about my healthcare
right to be included in decisions and choices about my health care
join in decision making and choices about by care
right to privacy and confidentiality of my personal information
personal information is maintained and proper handling in ensured
right to comment on my care + concerns addressed
can comment/complain about care + concerns dealt with properly and promptly
Medical confidentiality is a set of rules that means that anything discussed between a doctor and patient must be kept private.
Doctor-patient confidentiality - when a patient consults a new doctor, they can choose whether to share their previous medical records with them.
Privacy in healthcare means that what a patient tells their doctor, any information the doctor stores, medications prescribed and any other personal information is kept private.
Exemptions to privacy laws
someone's health/ safety are seriously threatened
When the info will reduce/ prevent a serious threat to public health or safety