Right realism

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  • Right realism views
    • Blame cultural factors
    • Moved away from liberal ideas of rehabilitation towards tougher punitive measures aimed to deter people from offending
    • Moved away from social theories and towards explanations centered around individual
    • Focuses on control and prevention of criminal behaviour
    • Little interest exploring concepts of power and structures in society, individual is to blame
  • Wilson and Kelling - Broken window theory
    Closely monitored neighbourhood has a ‘zero tolerance’ for petty crimes creates climate of order preventing more serious crime from occurring
    • opposite outcomes found in neighbourhood where petty crimes are tolerated
    • theory changed policing strategies and tactics
    • immediately adapted by law enforcement helping establish new law enforcement policies with little cost to implement
  • Positive of broken window theory, Zero Tolerance Policing
    Bratton - used theory to initiate aggressive enforcement campaign to reduce escalating crime rate in NYC, leading to a reduction in crime
  • Routine activity theory, Felson and Cohen
    • Studies crime relating it to environment, emphasizing it's process and diverting attention from offenders
    • Crime is unaffected by social causes like poverty, inequality and unemployment
    • Reason for increase = prosperity of contemporary society offers opportunities for crime to occur, e.g. advances in tech
    • Social changes and lifestyle contribute to occurrence of crime, e.g. female enrolment at college
    Crime is more likely to occur in certain environments
  • Solutions to crime: Wilson and Kelling
    Argue we must keep neighbourhoods orderly to prevent crime
  • Solution to crime: Zero Tolerance Policy
    Police need to control streets so citizens feel safe
  • Criticisms of RR
    • ZTP focuses on ethnic minorities and homeless, allows police to discriminate
    • Marxists = ignores structural causes of crime, concerned with street crime and ignores corporate and white collar crime, more harmful to public