
Cards (7)

  • coding = the format in which information is stored in the memory stores
  • capacity = the amount of information that can be held in the memory store
  • duration = the length of time information can be held in memory
  • Baddeley's research on coding
    • gave 4 different groups of pps to remember
    • 1 = acoustically similar words
    • 2 = acoustically dissimilar words
    • 3 = semantically similar words
    • 4 = semantically dissimilar words
  • Baddeley's coding study results
    • pps were shown the original words and asked to recall in correct order
    • when doing the recall task immediately after they tended to do worse on acoustically similar words (STM recall)
    • if pps were asked to recall after 20mins they did worse on semantically similar words (LTM recall)
    • suggests information is coded semantically in LTM
  • research on capacity = digital span
    • Jacobs, gave 4 digits and then the participant is asked to recall them in the correct order out loud
    • if they get this correct the researcher adds one digit each time until they cannot correctly record it
    • he found that the mean span of digits across participants was 9.3 items
    • the mean span for letters was 7.3
  • research on capacity = span of memory and chunking
    • Miller made observations of everyday practice
    • e.g he noted that things come in 7s such as the days of the week
    • he also noted that people can recall 5 numbers and letters which is done by chunking