Thematic analysis

Cards (5)

  • What is thematic analysis?

    Way of summarising qualitative data
  • What doe the researcher do in thematic analysis?

    Looks for themes that recur in narratives and summarise the man themes using quotations from the evidence as support
  • How is thematic analysis carried out?

    1. Collecting the data and transcribing it
    2. Familiarises themselves with it - rereading several times
    3. Code the data and put into categories
    4. Looks for recurring themes and patterns
    5. Research provides examples to illustrate the themes
    6. Writes a report
  • Strengths of thematic analysis
    - Flexible as it can be applied to a variety of data types
    - Detailed data allows for in depth exploration for participants experiences
    - Participant centred as it ensures their experiences are central to the analysis
  • Weaknesses
    - Unreliable as it is based on interpretation from different researchers
    - Might miss variating data