2. MSM

Cards (7)

  • Who proposed the Multistore Model of Memory?

    Atkinson and Shiffrin
  • What is the MSM?

    • Representation of how memory works in terms of 3 stores: sensory register, STM, LTM
    • Describes how information is transferred from one store to another, how it is remembered and how it is forgotten
  • What is the sensory register?

    • The memory stores for each of our 5 senses e.g. visual (iconic) and hearing (echoic)
    • Coding in iconic = visual
    • Coding in echoic = acoustic
    • Capacity of SR = huge, duration = lasts half a second
  • What is the key process if you want information to pass further into the memory system?
  • How does STM information pass into the LTM store?
    Maintenance rehearsal: occurs when we repeat material to ourselves over and over again
  • How do we recall information from LTM?

    • It has to be transferred back into STM through retrieval
    • No memories are recalled directly from LTM
  • Evaluation of the Multistore Model of Memory
    • Supporting research evidence (Baddeley)
    • There is more than one type of STM (KF case study)
    • There is more than one type of LTM
    • There is more than one type of rehearsal (Craik and Watkins)