3. Types of LTM

Cards (6)

  • Who proposed the different types of LTM?
  • What are the 3 different LTM stores called?
    • Episodic
    • Semantic
    • Procedural
  • What is episodic memory?

    • A LTM store for personal events, likened to a diary
    • Includes memories of when the events occurred and of the people, objects and places involved
    • Time stamped: you remember when they happened
    • Have to be retrieved consciously and with effort
  • What is semantic memory?

    • A LTM store for our knowledge of the world
    • Includes facts and our knowledge of what words and concepts mean
    • Likened to a combination of an encyclopedia and a dictionary
    • Recalled deliberately
  • What is procedural memory?

    • A LTM store for our knowledge of how to do things
    • Includes our memories of learned skills
    • Recall without making a conscious or deliberate effort
  • Evaluation of the types of LTM

    • Clinical evidence (HM)
    • Real life application (Belleville)
    • Neuroimaging evidence (Tulving)
    • 3 vs 2 types of LTM