
Cards (19)

  • What was the main dispute regarding marriage in 1567?

    Disputes over the choice of suitor between Cecil and Leicester
  • Why did William Cecil advocate for marriage in 1567?

    He was worried about the strength of Spain
  • What were Robert Dudley's concerns regarding the proposed marriage?

    His own relationship with the queen and religious concerns
  • Who was the suitor discussed in the 1570s known as the "little frog"?
    Francis, Duke of Anjou
  • What was Cecil's goal regarding foreign relations?

    He wanted better relations with foreign countries
  • How did Dudley and Walsingham feel about the proposed marriage to the Duke of Anjou?

    Dudley was unsupported and Walsingham wasn't a fan
  • What health crisis did Elizabeth face in 1562?

    She contracted smallpox
  • What was the result of Elizabeth's smallpox in terms of succession?

    There was a desperate need to name a successor, but no consensus
  • Who supported Mary Queen of Scots in 1568?

    Leicester supported her
  • How did Dudley's support for Mary Stuart's succession change by 1571/1572?

    He supported her right to the English throne
  • What significant divisions occurred in 1570 regarding foreign policy?

    Divisions between Cecil and the Earl of Sussex who wanted peace
  • What was the outcome of the foreign policy debate in 1580?

    The pro-war party of Leicester and Walsingham triumphed
  • What event forced Elizabeth to sign Mary Queen of Scots' death warrant?

    The Babington plot in 1586
  • How did Elizabeth react after signing the death warrant?

    She backtracked on her decision
  • Who were the main figures in the conflict of 1590?
    The Earl of Essex and Robert Cecil
  • What was Essex's behavior towards Elizabeth in Ireland?

    He ignored her and acted independently
  • What drastic action did Essex take regarding Elizabeth in 1601?

    He burst into her bed chamber
  • What were the consequences for Essex after his actions towards Elizabeth?

    He was banned from court and ruined financially
  • What significant event occurred in 1601 related to Essex?

    His rebellion