Gender Schema Theory

Subdecks (1)

Cards (8)

  • Background and origins of gender schema
    • Thinking on gender/sex with age - similar to Kohlberg. Children play an active role in constructing their schema
    • Gender schemas are mental representations of concepts in sex and gender - they help us organise and shape behaviour and expect it from others
    • We develop gender schema through experience and we actively seek to add to them
  • The start and the search
    • Age 2-3
    • Child establishes their own gender identity and starts seeking out gender-relevant information
    • They seek for and attend to gender-appropriate behaviour, ignoring inconsistent behaviour
    • Distort incoming behaviour to fit their gender schema e.g. remembering lollipop man as a lady
  • Growth and completion
    • The gender schema is added to and expanded continually over time
    • By age 6, Martin and Holverson claim children have acquired a fixed stereotypical concept of gender and gender-typical behaviour
  • Ingroup and outgroup
    • Children identify with ingroup and increases self-esteem
    • They actively avoid outgroup behaviour
    • This results in elaborate gender schema in place by 8 years old