An organisedcollection of people with sharedinterests and aims often concerningaspects of publiclife
Define Endogenous factor?
These constitute the characteristics of the placeitself, includingaspects such as climate, topography, etc, all of which contribute to peoples'experience of the place and their sense of place
Define exogenous factor?
These constituteexternalagents and processes that affect the character of a place and the experiences of those wholive there. They include the activities of central governments, the operation and effect of the national and international economy
Define experienced place?
A place in which a person has actually spenttime and directlyexperienced its characteristics
Define far place?
A place that a personperceives as being physically distant. The place may be viewed as being different to that of their ownexperienced place
Define identities?
A combination of physical, psychological and behaviouraltraits that contribute to a person's self-awareness and how othersperceive them . this is in part shaped by wheretheylive and/or their place of birth
Define insider perspective ?
A viewpoint from an individual who typically lives in a place
and therefore has frequent, direct experience of that place,
and understands the social and cultural norms
Define media place?
A place that has a meaning for a person as a result of exposure to images and information about that place via TV, radio, print, online etc
Define near place?
A location that a person perceives as being physicallyclose, whether spatially or through easyaccess. Often this place is inextricablylinked to the place the individual is located
Define outsider perspective?
A viewpoint from an individual who is not from a place or who doesn'tlive there and has littleexperience of the place. Such individuals may notunderstand the social norms of the society.
Define perspective?
A particularattitude or viewtowards a place. This can be influenced by mediarepresentation and/or personalexperience
Define place?
Anarea on the Earth's surface which is identified as distinct by the people who live in it or visit it, and which has meaning for them
Such meaning can and may well be shared by differentgroups of people
Define representation?
How a place is portrayed by the views, statements and communications of others.
This may be through formal sources such as census data
or through informal sources such as media reportage and imagery or verbalisation by others