features of science

Cards (21)

  • theory
    A set of interrelated constructs, definitions and propositions that present present the systematic view of a phenomena, specify relations among variables with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena
  • Study
    A process of systematic enquiry that entails a collection of data ;documentation of critical information ;and analysis and interpretation of that data/information in accordance with the suitable methodology set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines
  • what is deductive reasoning?

    when you start with the theory and then test it
  • what is inductive reasoning?

    when you see something happening and then come up with a theory
  • what is the scientific method?

    Research Find a problem Make a hypothesis
    conduct a study Compile data Form conclusion Maybe find an answer. Maybe find another problem. Present snd published results
  • what are empirical methods?

    The researcher studies behaviour and then directly comments on what they found
  • who proposed objectivity
  • what is objectivity?

    Scientific research that is free from bias
  • how can a steady be considered objective?

    If there are multiple researchers and quantitative data is to collected
  • what is falsification?

    The act of proving a statement or theory to be false.
  • who proposed falsification

  • what is replicability?

    The ability to reproduce or repeat a research study and obtain similar results.
  • how can a study be considered replicable?

    if a standardised procedure is used, this means all participants did the exact same thing in the same order
  • what is a paradigm?

    A paradigm is a framework or model that shapes how we understand and interpret the world.
  • what is psychology (paradigm)

    Psychology is pre-paradigmatic
  • Who proposed the idea of paradigms?

    Thomas Kuhn
  • what is theory construction?

    A set of general law principles that have the ability to explain particular events or behaviours
  • how does theory construction occur?

    Three gathering evidence from direct observations the findings from the studies lead to the generation of theories
  • what is hypothesis testing?

    Testing the validity of a theory
  • how can the results of a study test a theory?

    If the results support the theory then the theory is strengthened (more credible)
    if the results of the study criticise the theory, then the theory may need to be revisited and revised
  • what was the science works presented by popper?

    1. inductive phase – observations yield information that is used to formulate theories as expectations
    2. deductive phase – predictions are made from theories in the form of testable hypothesis, are tested and yield data that is analysed, lead to theory adjustment