sampling and ethics

Cards (23)

  • What are the 5 sampling techniques?

    Volunteer (advertisement), opportunity (who's available), random (equal chance), systematic (n), stratified (sub groups, ration)
  • strengths of random sampling
    reduced researcher bias, representative sample
  • random sampling weakness
    time consuming (unwilling participants take up time)
  • opportunity sampling strength
    quick and easy
  • opportunity sampling weakness
    less representative
  • volunteer sampling strength

    quick and easy
  • volunteer sampling weakness
    less representative
  • systematic sampling strength
    reduced researcher bias
  • systematic sampling weakness
    less representative
  • stratified sampling strength
    most representative
  • stratified sampling weakness
    time consuming, could lead to small sample size and then in becomes less representative
  • What are the 6 ethical issues?

    protection from physical and psychological harm, deception, confidentiality, informed consent, right to withdraw, privacy
  • how to resolve ethical issues
    pseudonyms, debrief, brief, right to withdrawal
  • who are the BPS?

    the British psychological society which advices psychologists and set ethical guidlines
  • 4 BPS ethical guidelines
    respect and privacy and consent, competence (professionalism), responsibility, integrity.
  • Informed consent - Researcher POV
    revealing true aim of study - or at least what is going to happen (this can cause bias because the aims can be inferred)
  • Informed consent - Participants POV

    told what they are required to do in the study so they can decide if they want to participate - basic human right according to Numburg war trials
  • Deception - researchers POV
    necessary to deceive participants about true aims of the study or they could alter their behaviour. Withholding info in seen as more ethical than providing false info.
  • Deception - Participants POV
    deception is unethical - researcher shouldn't deceive anyone(dianna baurrina (1985) says deception is wrong
  • Right to withdraw - researchers POV
    if the participants leave, this will bias the results
  • Right to withdraw - participants POV
    Its important, can be compromised if payments were promised
  • Protection from physical and psychological harm - researchers POV
    difficult to guarantee protection from harm
  • Protection from physical and psychological harm - participant POV
    should 100 percent be nothing causing them harm - if so should be ethical and consentual