Cards (5)

  • P- one strength of the strange situation is that it’s outcome predicts a number of aspects of the baby’s later development
  • P- one strength of the strange situation is that it’s outcome predicts a number of aspects of the baby’s later development
  • E- a large body of research has shown that babies and toddlers assessed as type B (secure) tend to have better outcomes that others, both in later childhood and adulthood. In childhood this includes better achievement in school and less involvement in bullying (McCormick et Al 2016)
  • E- securely attached babies also tend to go on to have better mental health in adulthood (Ward et Al 2006). In contrast, insecure- resistant attachment is associated with the worst outcomes e.g. bullying (kokkinos et Al 2006) and adult mental health problems ( ward et Al 2006)
  • L- this is evidence for the validity of the concept because it can explain future outcomes and tells us real and meaningful outcomes in a baby’s development