Cards (8)

  • Label the Neck Muscle
    A) Geniohyoid
    B) Digastric
    C) Mylohyoid
    D) Stylohyoid
  • Label the Neck Muscle
    A) Styloglossus
    B) Thyrohoid
    C) Omohyoid
    D) Hyoid Bone
    E) Thyroid Gland
  • Label the Neck Muscle
    A) Sternohyoid
    B) Sternothyroid
    C) Clavicle
    D) Trachea
    E) Sternum
    F) Scapula
  • Label the Neck Muscle
    A) Sternocleidomastoid
    B) Scalene Muscle
  • Label the Neck Part
    A) Sternocleidomastoid
    B) Splenius
    C) Trapezius
    D) Clavicle
  • label the neck part
    A) Levator scapulae
    B) Medial Scalene
    C) Anterior Scalene
  • label the neck part
    A) Trapezius
    B) Semispinalis Capitis
    C) Splenius Capitis
  • label the neck part
    A) splenius cervicis
    B) Rhomboides Minor
    C) Rhomboides Major